
Athena is a small dedicated HPC cluster available to some in the School of Medicine with the following characteristics:

  • 1 head node
  • 180TB of shared storage
  • 2 compute nodes, each with 64 CPU cores, (2 by 32 core Intel(R) Xeon(R) Platinum 8358 CPU @ 2.60GHz), ~500GB of RAM and ~4TB of local scratch disk for each compute node, each compute node mounts the shared storage.
  • 25GbE networking
  • Scientific Linux 7.9 Operating System

To access Athena you must have a Research IT account, please apply for one if you don't have one.

To request access to the cluster please email Research IT will request approval from the service owner in the School of Medicine for access requests.

To login please connect to using the usual SSH instructions. It is accessible from the College network, including the VPN. To connect to it from the internet please first login to the College VPN or relay through as per our instructions.

File systems:

  • /home is a stand alone file system 180TB in size that is available to the compute nodes and head node.
  • It is separate from the existing file system the Kelvin cluster has used. You will have to copy data onto the Athena cluster if necessary.
  • Each node has a local /tmp scratch disk that is only accessible on that node, it is not shared with others, and while you have been allocated to that node, you will not be able to access data in those disks once your allocated jobs have finished.
  • No data on Athena is backed up by Research IT.

Software is installed with our usual modules system. You can view the available software with module av and an example to load a module is: module load plink2/2.00a4.3-gcc-8.5.0-p6ph7a3.

Running jobs must be done via the Slurm scheduler.

Batch job example:

#SBATCH -n 12
#SBATCH --mem=96GB
module load plink2/2.00a4.3-gcc-8.5.0-p6ph7a3
echo "Starting"

Interactive allocation equivalent: salloc -n 12 --mem=96GB

See the HPC clusters usage documenation for furhter instructions.