If you’re new to Research IT systems, this page will hopefully get you started.
If you’re in need of some assistance, please email us and we’ll try to help you out.
Firstly, apply for an account with Research IT if you don’t have one already.
Then, apply for a resource allocation on Callan.
Please see the full list of Research IT hosted HPC Clusters for all HPC resources. Please note that some HPC resources are only available to select groups. Please email us if you want to request access to a private cluster and we will check with the cluster owners if you can be granted access.
Logging in, access to our clusters is done using SSH (secure shell).
Transferring files to the clusters.
The modules system is what we use for accessing installed software.
Help on running batch submission jobs (the recommended way).
Help on running interactive allocation jobs (helpful for debugging & setup sometimes).
Please see our full documentation for how to access and use the HPC Clusters Research IT host.
Get in touch with us if you have any issues.